Dear Colleague
I thought it would be useful to update you on the work of the BSA committee so far this year.
Our CPD programme continues with our next event on the 30 April 2015 on “Practice and Procedure in the Enforcement of Judgements Office” by Trevor Long, Chief Enforcement Officer. We will re-arrange the presentation by the Attorney General for NI which has been cancelled for tomorrow. Please visit our website for details of forthcoming CPD events and a specific date for your calendar should be the Client Care and Practice Management Seminar on 29 May 2015.
If anyone wishes to purchase our CPD Season Ticket this can still be done by contacting our Administrator directly. This has proved a very popular offer with members in terms of budgeting for CPD.
The BSA committee has met with the Law Society on numerous occasions to be briefed on the ongoing developments with the Legal Aid Budget and DOJ proposals. In this regard the BSA has written to each of the five main political party leaders in Northern Ireland; We have written to all 18 MPs; the 108 MLAs and we have met directly with representatives of the DUP, SDLP, Alliance Party, Sinn Fein and a meeting with Mike Nesbitt from the UUP has been rescheduled.
The BSA committee has responded to the Access to Justice 2 review in writing and we will be meeting with Mr Colin Stutt next week. Consultation Responses have also been submitted in relation to several DOJ and public consultation exercises. This level of engagement and lobbying of the political representatives is now an essential part of the work of the BSA and we will continue to do this at every opportunity The Law Society has encouraged members to complete the online survey to provide critical data to the Society in relation to the economic impact on firms on the current working environment and forecasted legal aid cuts. Can I encourage everyone to complete this survey and give the Law Society the information needed to respond purposefully on behalf of the profession.
Finally we have a number of social events that may be of interest. A number of teams will be competing for our nominated charity Helping Hand in the Belfast City Marathon on the 4 May 2015. Please give them your support and visit the Just giving page to donate any sponsorship.
Our Annual Golf Day takes place on the 21 May 2015. A number of places are still available. Please contact John Palmer at if you wish to book a four ball or attend the annual prize giving.
Our Annual Dinner takes place on the 6 June 2015. A limited number of tables remain. Please contact our administrator if you wish to reserve a table or seat at this dinner. I look forward to seeing some of you at these events between now and the end of June.
Yours faithfully
Paul Dougan
Belfast Solicitors’ Association