Musgrave Custody Suite Update

Dear member,

As you are aware, the BSA had been asked by its members to address a number of matters arising in Musgrave PSNI Custody Suite. Please see below issues which were addressed at our most recent meeting.


Custody Inspectors receive the Duty Solicitor Rota via email though it can be unclear whether the CDOs have a copy of same and whether it is being used.

Custody Inspector will ensure that CDOs and Custody Sergeants have access to a copy of the Duty Solicitor Rota and will send a memo/reminder to use same.

The name and number of the Duty Solicitor for each 24hr period (changes at 17:30hrs) should be written on  a whiteboard in the Custody Hub for ease of reference.

NB: As a precaution, we would suggest to members that they may wish to contact Musgrave Custody Suite at the beginning of their Duty Solicitor slot to ensure that their details are readily available to custody staff.



There are 5 Custody Inspectors based in Musgrave and one will always be available between 7am-11pm.

Police encourage Solicitors to use the available Custody Inspectors to raise issues of concern.


The issue of delay in dealing with DPs has been a longstanding one and has a wide variety of causes. Police are aware of the issue and ongoing efforts are being made to address same. 


For a short time there was a lack of blank discs to provide the DP with a copy of the interview. This issue has now been addressed and copy discs are available going forward. 

We take this opportunity to remind members that our engagement with Musgrave PSNI is ongoing and members should continue to contact the BSA with any matters of concern in the future. Should you have any queries, please contact – 


Chair, Olivia O’Kane

Chair, Criminal Sub Committee, Ciaran Maguire