Musgrave Street Custody Suite


Dear Colleague

It has been brought to the attention of the BSA that a number of members have experienced huge delays at Musgrave Custody Suite both pre and post interview.   A number of members have contacted us confirming that waiting for three hours post interview for a decision to be taken is very common.

In one instance a CDO suggested to a practitioner that solicitors should be complaining about this situation.  As you all know this suitation will only worsen when other custody suites are closed and more business is centralised from Musgrave street. 

I have asked for a meeting with the Authorities at Musgrave Street to disusss this and would be obliged if members could forward specific complaints/examples of similar experiences/proposed suggestions to improve the sutiation and I wll ensure that these issues are raised with the Police.

A further e-mail will be sent to the membership to confirm when the meeting has been scheduled but I would apreciate as much information from everyone as soon as possible.

Please e-mail our administrator at with any information

Kind regards

Paul Dougan


Belfast Solicitors’ Association