Proposed Amendment to the BSA Constitution


Dear Colleague

At this year’s AGM on the 21st November an amendment to the BSA constitution has been proposed. It will be placed on  the agenda at the AGM for discussion.

I have included herein the wording of the amendment:-


4. (ii)The affairs of the Association shall be managed and directed by a Committee which shall consist of;

a)the office bearers appointed in accordance with clause 4(i);

b)not more than seventeen other members all of whom shall either be elected at the Annual General Meetings of the Members present and voting or co opted by clause (iii); and;

c)any past serving Chairman being a member, with continual uninterrupted service on the Committee and who is elected at the Annual General Meetings of the Members present and voting;

provided always that the Committee shall never exceed 25 in number.


If anyone wishes to object to the proposed amendment please provide the Honorary Secretary with details of the objection by 5pm on Wednesday the 12th November 2014.



Paul Dougan

Honorary Secretary

Belfast Solicitors’ Association